Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Anticipating New Real Estate Trends

The biggest myths in real estate investing are the notion that real estate prices always trend up and that the three keys are ‘location, location, location.’ This course debunks those myths, and more importantly, explains what you should really consider when managing your real estate investments.

Flaws of Economics 101

Contrary to popular belief, the supply and demand curves for real estate trends – even for one of life’s basic necessities, the family home – are vastly different than those for shoes, televisions or cell phones.

“Well, everybody knows that, right?” you might ask. But the fact is, current models for forecasting real estate trends have a major flaw: they rely largely on the supply and demand curves taught in Economics 101, the same ones that apply to your favorite pair of sneakers.

Real Estate Ain’t Shoes

You see, the key difference between real estate trends and price trends for common items like sneakers is that – with real estate trends – buyers, builders, bankers and brokers all want the same thing: for their respective real estate markets to increase in value. With sneakers, each party has a different set of goals, and they don’t all include rising prices.

Senior Tutorial Instructor Wayne Gorman’s new on-demand, online investment course, Learn to Anticipate Real Estate Trends – For Buyers, Builders, Bankers and Brokers will teach you what really governs real estate trends, including residential real estate, farmland and commercial property.

Being a Profitable Real Estate Investor

With this course, you will go beyond the typical noise and dig deeper than the mainstream media’s misguided op-eds. You will not only learn why Economics 101 does not govern the real estate markets, but also how the Elliott Wave Principle – combined with other proven technical studies – can help you follow and anticipate real estate trends. With this groundbreaking course, you will learn.

How to differentiate between real estate trends occurring in various sectors, such as farmland, residential housing, REITS (real estate investment trusts), homebuilders stocks, stocks of major real estate lenders and geography.

How real estate trends are a function of collective social mood, which makes them predictable.

How sentiment and momentum indicators can help spot probable turning points.

What magazine cover stories about real estate really indicate.

The significance of tracking the total number of real estate brokers.

And a whole lot more on real estate trends.

Click here for immediate access to Learn to Anticipate Real Estate Trends For Buyers, Builders, Bankers and Brokers.

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